
保罗J. 奥莱利博士.D.
保罗·J. 奥莱利博士.D.

In the fall of 1971, a small group of scholars set out on a 任务 that was both audacious in its scope and humble in its reliance on Divine Providence. With neither an endowment nor a steady stream of revenue, with a freshman class of just 33 students, and with only the leased site of a shuttered seminary for a campus, these men inaugurated the first semester of classes at 托马斯·阿奎那 College.

Founded at a time when many Catholic institutions were straying from their loyalty to the teaching Church, 托马斯·阿奎那 College would, 相比之下, strive for fidelity to the Magisterium. In place of the burgeoning multiplicity of majors, 未成年人, and electives elsewhere, it would offer a single, integrated curriculum employing the liberal arts and sciences in the pursuit of truth and wisdom.

In lieu of textbooks and lectures, this college’s students would study only original works — the 伟大的著作 of Western civilization — and examine, 有时反驳, and invariably learn from their claims in small classes that employ Socratic discussions. 此外, the 学术项目 would be ordered to the study of God in precisely the manner in which the Church has for centuries prescribed, according to the mind of Her Universal Doctor, St. 托马斯·阿奎那.

Five decades later — with beautiful campuses now in 加州 and Massachusetts — 托马斯·阿奎那 College stands as a witness to its 创始人的 faith and diligence. The College’s ranks have swelled to more than 400 students, and a roster of distinguished 教师 has expanded accordingly. While holding true to its 建立愿景, 学院 has earned a national reputation for academic and spiritual vigor, becoming a model for the many new, faithful Catholic schools that have followed. Through God’s grace, it has also graduated generations of 校友 who have gone on to faithfully serve the Church and society in myriad ways.

It is my delight to share the good news of 托马斯·阿奎那 College and its promise for the future of Catholic liberal education. 我邀请你 investigate our unique 学术项目,我们的 community of faith,以及……的乐趣 365bet. I encourage you to learn about our 招生 流程和我们的 校友, and to explore the many ways friends can 支持 学院. And if you are in either Southern 加州 or 新英格兰, or you can make the trip, 我邀请你 访问 无论是校园, to experience our classes, and to see for yourself how we go about this noble 任务 of forming leaders in service of the truth.


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保罗J. 奥莱利博士.D.